I have no regrets…

 I have no regrets

(A Poem by Coyote Poetry.
Bad days become less painful with time and distance.)

No regret..

I stopped in Ann Arbor in June, year 2000. I liked to swim in old memories and friendships. My old friends had forgotten me. I left for war in 1991 and I returned to empty places and empty memories. Everyone moved on and I had done the same.

I went to the Ann Arbor mall and I drank coffee. I saw an auburn beauty with small child. She looked at me and walked toward me. She asked, was I Johnnie? I told her. In the flesh my dear Jenny and you are more beautiful than I remember. She laughed at me and told me. This is Tiffany, my daughter. What are you doing here? I told her just driving by and wanted to visit Ann Arbor. She looked sadly and told me. I’m sorry I didn’t return your calls. You had your Army and California. I was dead in love and I wanted nothing. I reached over and kissed her lips. I told her. I don’t hold regret sweet Jenny. You were once my late night dancer and kind lover. We once knew,  the being of a drunk love and being lost in the emotion of wild passion.

Once we were swept way to warm and desperate places where lovers hold no regret. When lovers can declare words of love, rejoicing in the stream of great passion. Yearning warm kisses and long embrace leaving two people wanting more. Young love is born and it will die. Leaving troubled hearts and broken bridges that can’t be repaired. I do remember you.  You were my Autumn love. You have saved me three times. You were generous to a lonely heart and today I’m thankful to have known you.

Jenny sat in silence for a second and she asked me. Did you do okay?  You left your life for war. Left everything behind to find a good death. How did you learn peace?  I reached over and hugged her and I told her. War taught me life is to be celebrated. I learn everyone matters. Every life had value. The value of a good life is many friends, laughter and children at your feet.

When I remember you. I hold no regret. Only memories of hopeless love running wild. Sweet delight in the midnight hours and your beautiful face asking me for more. This is good memories.  Jenny left me again. Her eyes sad and serious.  I didn’t ask for phone number or any information. I knew. You can’t re-kindle old places and old love. Better to allow old love to be forgotten, to slumber and be awoken in sweet dreams.

                                    Coyote/John Castellenas-
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