Daily Archive: September 14, 2014

Love can “Expand and multiply”

Expand and multiply A Poem by Coyote Poetry Old wise tale. Old man with a heavy load was asked. Why did he carry so much? He smiled and told them. Life expand and… Continue reading

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an old man’s cry for gaza

Powerful and true words. Please read.

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The Raven and the Coyote

The Raven and the Coyote A Story by Coyote Poetry A story. Some of my Ojibwa heritage coming out.                              The Raven and the Coyote The Raven watched the moon. Her interest awoken… Continue reading

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Croatians In Shock For Their “Scotsman” David Haines Held By Islamic State Terrorists

Don’t forget this man. Please. Croatia, the War, and the Future Screenshot from video posted online byJihadist extremist group Islamic Stateshowing US journalist Steven Sotloff (left)who is said to have been executed in… Continue reading

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