Daily Archive: April 18, 2015

“Don’t ask for less”

Don’t ask for less A Poem by Coyote Poetry In life. Better to dream big than to wallow in things not touched or reached.                                 Don’t ask for less Echos of memories and… Continue reading

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A beautiful poem for love from a amazing writer. Please read and enjoy.

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Dear Jenny

Dear Jenny A Poem by Coyote Poetry Just words Dear Jenny Johnnie drifting in and out of the Irish Pubs in downtown Monterey. Looking for his red hair beauty. When the beer and… Continue reading

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by Pryde Foltz-Amazing verbal poetry.

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My California poetry. I miss the sea. “The Coastline”

The Coastline I fell in love with her on a December morning. I stop my truck and I was star struck at her beauty. Her power. I walk quickly to her. She was… Continue reading

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“HIM” by Brittany Cohen-Schlesinger. Powerful and needed reading.

HIM A Book by Brittney Cohen-Schlesinger Avalon Montage, a twenty-two-year-old rape victim suffers in silence for almost a year. That is until she meets Jensen Marx who has a secret of his own… Continue reading

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