Daily Archive: June 26, 2015


Unforgettable A Poem by Coyote Poetry Beautiful artwork create amazing words. Thank you Tumblr.    yourtalana:  William Oxer Unforgettable I found you waiting. Holding flowers of blue. I watched you pondering life and possibility.… Continue reading

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-Always on my mind

Always on my mind A Poem by Coyote Poetry Good song lead to good memory. Always on my mind Love alive or concealed. Leave us wishing for things lost. Beautiful faces and places… Continue reading

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Thrill Me

Originally posted on Siren Whispers:
Thrill me With images Of dark and delicious acts. The soft drag Of your fingertips Along my naked spine. Your voice Laced with desire At my ear. Thrill…

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You and I?

You and I? A Poem by Coyote Poetry Just words. You and I? A long time ago. We had the same hope and dreams.  We found each other again, drowning in old regret… Continue reading

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_Wildflowers dreams

Wildflowers dreams (For Brigitte) A Poem by Coyote Poetry Once I was lost. A kind young woman saved me.                              Wildflowers dream      (For Brigitte) Young love, first love. Can expand too quickly.… Continue reading

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