Daily Archive: June 29, 2015

-A woman palms

A woman palm A Poem by Coyote Poetry The hands of a woman. Teaches love and kindness. He who treat the woman with kindness. Can stand at God feet and know he had… Continue reading

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The Foxglove Flower

Originally posted on Life With Catnip:
?? Wild vibrant pink foxglove flower Why do you grow on the cliff top overlooking the Gower? Sprouting up between rocks ruins Of unforgiving crags; So uncompromising,…

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_Mend and alter

Mend and alter A Poem by Coyote Poetry Life is hard. Needs time to heal and to be reborn again.                            Mend and alter Life is simple my friends. There is consequences… Continue reading

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Originally posted on Hortus Closus:
Painting by Cyn McMurry Each moment is a Gift, tomorrow is a dream. Don’t waste your time. Regrets will slowly kill you, It’s a treacherous poison.

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Lifted Up By Love

Originally posted on From Behind the Pen:
History has a way of repeating itself, but with the horrifying events that tend to divide and destroy us, we have the ability to shift the…

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Be a girl that dances

Originally posted on hereafter and after:
Be a girl that dances. It’s never too late to start. Why, all you have to do is take a deep breath, lace up your shoes and step…

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God is in all things.

God A Poem by Coyote Poetry God is in our heart. In what we say and do. God is not found in the church. It is how we look at life and how… Continue reading

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