–Her red dress

Her red dress

A Poem by Coyote Poetry


I needed to write a poem about a woman in a red dress who stole my hearts many moons ago.


                          Her red dress

Lady elegance with hair of auburn brown. She waited by her window.  She wished on the first star and the moon. To feel needed and wanted. She is lady sad and lonely. She had spent too much time alone in the house.

Once she was lady love. She wanted to be wild and wanted to dance, drink and sing. Sweet kisses of regret had become kisses missed and wished for in the dust of the closing night.

Deny kisses and long embraces are remembered by a careless man. He remembered his love dancing in her red dress. Her shoulders bare and her long legs barely hidden by the soft material of her red dress. He called her and he told her.

My sweet love, put on your red shoes and your red dress. Tonight we drink, dance and find some laughter. I want you ready to celebrate the night. You are my salvation and joy. I love and die in your eyes of joy or sadness. Tonight we will dance and find the places we forgot. We will leave behind the useless places and life.

Lady sweet and forgiving. She allowed her tears to fall. She wanted to feel needed and alive. Her prayers were answered. She found her red dress and held her red shoes. She whispered quietly.  Thank you kind Gods of the night and love for allowing me to be content.

Coyote/John Castellenas