Daily Archive: April 2, 2016

Some California poetry-The waltz

The Waltz A Poem by Coyote Poetry The ocean and love create emotions and passion that stay with us forever. The waltz We were doing a waltz upon the beach. The waves were… Continue reading

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Spring’s serenade

Originally posted on Siren Whispers:
The snow was beautiful falling softly it’s purity blanketing the earth it’s quiet whisper full of her longing. She wrote for him her Winter’s muse warming him with…

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Originally posted on Siren Whispers:
She is a woman. She is a girl. She is elegant soft curves with shaded depth. A myriad of mystery laden layers. Her enigmatic smile only hinting at the…

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The touch of life-myth and tale

(I wrote in 1996 for the birth of my child. I hope you like.) Nature’s grieves She sat alone on top of Himalayas mountains. She knew the ending was coming for mankind. Her flowing… Continue reading

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The Poet

Please read and enjoy the words of a talented writer.

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