Daily Archive: May 22, 2016

I need a day by the sea- Big Sur a-dreaming

Big Sur a-dreaming. A Poem by Coyote Poetry I need a trip. You are invited. Most beautiful and peaceful place. Big Sur, Ca.                    Big Sur a-dreaming. A un-mark road with a small sign… Continue reading

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ATexas tale- Drink of me my dear lover

Drink of me my dear lover A Story by Coyote Poetry More Texas story.                                Drink of me my dear lover I loved the Austin Texas nights. Alive and vibrant with people and… Continue reading

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Too long

Originally posted on Siren Whispers:
It has been too long since I’ve felt the sea salt breeze upon my face and skittering through my long, dark hair. It has been too long since I’ve…

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Explore the shore

Originally posted on Siren Whispers:
With confident fingers explore the shore that waits eagerly for the sea that is you. She waits for you to wash over her and take her completely and…

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The sea, the perfect place-You are my ocean

You are my ocean A Poem by Coyote Poetry Just words amamira amamira: Joanna Beal(Thank you Tumblr) You are my ocean My first love was the sea. Uncontrolled and free. I danced with… Continue reading

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Sun Lights my Eyes ~ photograph & poem

Amazing poetry by a talented writer. Please read and enjoy.

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