Daily Archive: September 13, 2017

“Please stay with me”

Please stay with me A Poem by Coyote Poetry Just words Please stay with me She told him. “Sweet baby, the night is cold and lonely. The rain is falling and the storm… Continue reading

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Clouds gathered

Originally posted on Siren Whispers:
The end of summer Came before summer’s end As clouds gathered Beneath his brow A tempest formed within The sun sought refuge With the moon Hiding its face…

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“The color of love”

The color of love A Poem by Coyote Poetry Just words The color of love Dear lover. You made me come alive. The fire in you eyes make me wish to swim in… Continue reading

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“I need a wild heart”

I need a wild heart A Poem by Coyote Poetry Just words   I need a wild heart —- Love made me live Beautiful woman told me. We need to bathe in the… Continue reading

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