Daily Archive: October 2, 2017

You Are The Reason. #Poetry

Originally posted on Vishal Dutia:
You are the reason of my life, You are the reason I survived. You are the reason that I laugh, You are the reason I love you.  …

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Capture Freedom

Please read and enjoy the work of a talented writer.

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“Write, write and write some more”

Write, write and write some more A Poem by Coyote Poetry Words are powerful. They create tears, laughter, happiness and sadness. Without the great word-men and word-women. What would we know and understand?… Continue reading

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The song of love

Song of love A Poem by Coyote Poetry Words and thoughts for today. I was reading the ancient writers today.                                Song of love Drunkenness in a reckless love, knowing the true fragrant… Continue reading

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The first time I saw your face

The first time I saw your face-Two short poems A Poem by Coyote Poetry Just words                      The first time I saw your face-Two short poems. ——— Paint me Elegant lady told me.… Continue reading

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