Daily Archive: April 15, 2018

Used Lover Blues

Wonderful story by a talented writer.

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‘You are my everything and everything is you.

You are my everything and everything is you Love remembers everything,  I told my new young friend at the Seaside city, California tavern. A beautiful red-haired beauty with long legs walked by and… Continue reading

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‘The heartstrings’

The heartstrings She poured the sweet red wine into her Grandparent borrowed wine glasses with soft and tender hands. Her eyes of river blue looked into my eyes. He knew she was playing… Continue reading

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‘Dead flowers’

    Please don’t talk no-more Pretty lady crying and she whispered to her banished lover. Please speak no-more. Your words had turned worthless and meaningless. Your face from angel to the devil… Continue reading

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Please read and enjoy the work of a talented writer.

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Open your eyes, Closed eyes cannot see

Africa hunger facts you need to know. An estimated 1.4 million children could die this year from famine-like conditions in South Sudan, Somalia, Nigeria, and Yemen, according to the U.N. children’s agency. 4… Continue reading

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