Daily Archive: November 20, 2018

A wish and a prayer

“Yemen war: 5,000 children dead or hurt and 400,000″   Compared to 22 other high-income nations, the United States’ gun-related murder rate is 25 times higher. And, even though the United States’ suicide… Continue reading

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Tone: Angels and butterflies

Originally posted on Vinzpoetry:
I don’t know What you see in me That makes you love me… But all I know Is I get so high When you hold me tight… I am…

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These Days 

Originally posted on Everything I Never Told You:
This current political climate is akin to living with a loaded gun in your mouth every day. You wonder if pulling the trigger would lead…

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In the feathered sound of the sea

Wonderful poetry by a talented writer.

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‘Locked and loaded’

(Locked and loaded A Poem by Coyote Poetry War. What is it good for? Nothing.) Locked and loaded The old Soldiers knows. The madness of youth was the temptation of sweet wine and… Continue reading

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Haeddre 29/7/2016

Originally posted on As it Comes:
i It is fine to be in balance, to hear wistful cries like invisible veins in the winds, and see lucky, white strands amongst the heather’s Scottish…

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