Daily Archive: July 24, 2020

Dr. Hook and some words.

Three am call     The bar is closed and I am sitting alone in the back of my truck. The phone booth is near and I decided to call you. I light… Continue reading

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My wild Texas rose..

  My wild Texas rose   Kind mistress night brought her to me. The Austin, Texas bars brought people from all places together. When the moon took over the night sky. People from… Continue reading

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 Sway The Poet’s wish. Never sweet and never easy.  A dancing beauty moved with the song. Her hips moving slowly with the tempting words. The dancing damsel, she knows she was the Hemingway’s… Continue reading

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My poetry and a amazing poet Segovia..

My poetry and a amazing Poet Segovia A Poem by Coyote Poetry Just words                                  Segovia       First, I fell to those eyes. Eyes of pure darkness and unknown journey. Second I… Continue reading

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