Daily Archive: July 28, 2020

The Crave

Originally posted on Florawora:
(c) Dimitra Milan Kiss me like I was your sleeping beauty With love and adoration so strong that it wakes me from my death Shower me with love so…

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Cigarettes and sassy…

Cigarettes and sassy     You were the most beautiful, the most dangerous lady, I knew. You were my angry lady, sassy and always seeking new thrills. I loved your dark side and… Continue reading

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 So pretty Please walk with me, please talk with me. Allow our hearts to become one. I want my hand holding your hand and I want you to hear you sing, sweet love… Continue reading

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 Yesterday I am in the Fall of a life. Death whispered in my ear. Old heart and my tire soul seem to need and want less. Maybe I have given-in, given-up. Once I… Continue reading

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