Daily Archive: April 30, 2021

Mr. Johnson + Mr. Johnson.?. One Two That Rocks. Yore Blues.

Originally posted on Our World Legends.:
? The Blues Are One In Our World. Legends Tell Mores Howevers Here Than Meets. Yore Ears. Eyeing Rock n Roll Origins. So In Deeds Include Our…

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You are my poetry…

You are my poetry… Forlorn love, treasured memories. You used to read poetry to me by the candle light. You were my heavenly voice, sweet songs when life became too hard. Once we… Continue reading

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National Poetry Month Writing Challenge: The Final Segment

Originally posted on Shanyu Bihani:
“The end of a melody is not its goal: but nonetheless, had the melody not reached its end it would not have reached its goal either. A parable.”…

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April leaving

April leaving A Poem by Coyote PoetryPoem thirty for April. The poetry month.                    April leaving…. Blossom by Blossom dear Spring begin to appear. The month… Continue reading

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“The night stepped out” #poem #poetry #verse

Originally posted on Visionary Poems:
The night stepped out Like a prima ballerina From the monumental shadows That reached the very heavens Concealed awhile Behind the great mountains of granite grey That separated the tranquil realm From the world outside …

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Tattoos A Poem by Coyote PoetryPoem twenty nine for April. The poetry month.                            Tattoos…. The pretty lady had  many tattoos on… Continue reading

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