Daily Archive: December 24, 2021

Ann Arbor…

  The drunken poet drank his  Jack Daniel and cold tap beer in the Michigan tavern. A young man sat with and ordered a double of  whiskey and lowered his head down and… Continue reading

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Read to me my dear lover…

 Read to me my dear lover… Longing, belonging, needing and believing. You are my reasons to live my love. Falling, soaring and flying to new heights in hope and dreams. Please sweet love.… Continue reading

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Merry Christmas and the Parting Glass…

Merry Christmas- The Parting Glass… The Native Americans believe. The grandparent, the elders are the teachers of the children. The children are the future. Be careful what you say. The voices of the… Continue reading

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All wealthy souls, all needy souls.

Originally posted on Global Literature Station:
FINALLY… here comes my 2021 wrap-up. It has been both a great and droff year to reflect on, droff because of Covid-19 that wrecked places around the…

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Merry Christmas– God

God A Poem by Coyote PoetryGod is in our heart. In what we say and do. God is not found in the church. It is how we look at life and how we treat… Continue reading

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The sweetest things…

The sweetest things A Poem by Coyote PoetryLife is simple. Respect people. Religion should be private. Stay positive. The sweetest thing… I have seen so many mysteries and seen so much beauty. I swam in… Continue reading

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A Thomas Nashe poem and some of my words.

Two poems. One poem by a ancient writer and another by a almost ancient writer. A Poem by Coyote PoetryThomas Nashe words are true today as 400 years ago. The world will struggle. Struggles… Continue reading

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