Daily Archive: July 16, 2022

Your face…

Your face.. A Poem by Coyote Poetry  July poetry number nineteen.  Your face… I brought her close and I told her. Honey, you will be alright. We will figure something out. Her eyes were… Continue reading

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She was a diamond…

She was a diamond A Poem by Coyote Poetry  We need to be thankful when we hold something precious in our hands.  She was a  Diamond…                                20 Nov. 1994 The drunk man toasted… Continue reading

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I don’t remember how you looked…

I don’t remember how you looked…. I don’t remember how you looked. Your eyes were blue, maybe hazel green? Your hair golden blond or maybe strawberry red? I  try to describe you and each time I… Continue reading

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The coyote spirit…

Coyote spirit A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Last dream, we hold, is freedom. When it is gone. What is left?  Coyote spirit… (In Native American Myth. The Coyote was the joker. Laugh at life… Continue reading

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