Daily Archive: August 10, 2022


1- Naked we can be in the midnight hours, naked are we and maybe we wear a veil over our face, a mask? When do we show our real face? When do we… Continue reading

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The sinner’s prayer..

The sinner’s prayer. The sinner’s prayer, I do say in the last tavern on a dead-end street in old town. I drink alone to dead friends killed in war, and I drink to… Continue reading

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The prettiest gal in Michigan.

The prettiest gal in Michigan.. I kissed the prettiest gal in Michigan and her lips tasted of beer and the Irish whiskey. She told me, Johnnie, the quiet poet. You write about everything,… Continue reading

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Give and take…

Give and take A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Love is a two-way street. Must give to receive.          Give and take… Pretty woman spoke of love and hate in the same sentence.I asked her.… Continue reading

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Mercy and forgiveness my friend. We need.

Mercy and forgiveness my friend. We need. A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Need mercy and good friends to survive this life.  The Quality of Mercy The quality of mercy is not strain’d.It droppeth as… Continue reading

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