Daily Archive: February 8, 2023

Katie write..

Katie write A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Words can be magic, can be visions of beauty and can make us dream.                                     Katie write.. Painted words are what the writer understand. Wisp and grasps… Continue reading

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Whispers in the dark..

Whispers in the dark A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Things never touched can haunt us more than what was done. Written in 1980.)                           Whispers in the dark.. I lay on cold sheets not… Continue reading

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The altar of a kind love..

The altar of a kind love A Poem by Coyote Poetry Needed a poem for love.                                   The altar of a kind love.. Starry nights and the warm summer daysallowed two lovers to be… Continue reading

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I don’t remember how you look..

(Dreams can become nightmares. Nightmares can become sweet dreams one day.) I don’t remember how you looked. I don’t remember how you looked. Your eyes were blue, maybe hazel green? Your hair golden blond or maybe… Continue reading

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The waltz..

The waltz A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Rewritten today with proper edit. I hope.  The waltz … We were doing a waltz upon the quiet beach. The waves were the orchestra and the wind was whispering a… Continue reading

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Dearest Eleanor..

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Remembering Syria: Astarte In the Poetry of Henry Kendall

Originally posted on Poetry of gems:
As a citizen of the world, it’s my instinct to keep the fallen and the suffering in my thoughts. The human brain fascinates me; its limitless bounds…

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The blue dress..

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We are, what we become..

We are, what we become… 1- They tried to shame her, they could not. She saw in their dirty eyes, whiskey, sin and sadness. She knew what she wanted, and she took it.… Continue reading

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