Daily Archive: February 11, 2023


Calmness A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Tire of the angry world.  Calmness Quiet world, safe world. People talking, solving problems. Peace maker voices, being heard. My wishes to the midnight moon. I want my… Continue reading

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Black as the night with a beautiful Melody Gardot song.

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Beneath the Willow tree..

Two short poems.. 1- You left me a unpaid debt, that must be kept. Once you promised me everything. Now you have besieged my heart and I am willing to love you, forever… Continue reading

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Remembering Nightbirde, dear Jane..

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Six word poetry…

Six word poems….. 1- Dance more, laugh more, live more…. 2- Money is heavy, Love is light….. 3- Yesterday, tomorrow, today. This second matters…. 4- Pretty does, pretty is, Baby Mia…. 5- Did… Continue reading

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Just some gentle words..

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