Daily Archive: February 20, 2023

The Michigan State mass murder. The children must lead us.

At least 20 more mass killings in the USA. I am proud of the young people. Old wise wisdom. The children must save our world. Old men and old women had accepted life… Continue reading

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Somethings shouldn’t beheld or touched..

Somethings shouldn’t beheld or touched.. You have taunted my dreams and made me wish for  sordid and frenzy nights, captured in your embrace. I want to fall into the inferno of your warm … Continue reading

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Bad love…

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Grandfather house and a Joey/Rory song.

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The pathfinder…

Pathfinder A Poem by Coyote Poetry  We look in many places for what we need and want. Most times what we need is in front of our face.                              Pathfinder.. There are many way… Continue reading

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Only you and a amazing, The Platters song.

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I hope Elvis and Lisa-Marie are singing in heaven. A few songs.

Just remember Elvis and Lisa-Marie. Coyote

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Family pictures and a Elvis Presley morning song.

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My beautiful Daniela…

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