The next step is love and hanging with Elvis tonight.

 The next step is love..

Was the first warm days of Spring,
we had some sweet red wine and our cigarettes.
You befriended me in the late days of Winter,
you  made me laugh and we become kindred spirits.
I remember you.
You found me swimming in the inferno place of sadness and
you made me dance and sing till the tavern closed-down.
You held me like a child and kissed me the through-out the night,
till I fell asleep. Dear Brigitte, my sweetness, my savior,
you demanded only, I stayed with you.

The Germany spring was here and I watched you run into the wildflowers on the hill near the city.
I remember you enchanted me and I told the sun.
Thank you for the warm days of Spring,
thank you for my dear Brigitte and thank you for showing me.
Sometime we must be broken to know when love is true.
Beautiful Brigitte came to me and she whispered. I love you Johnnie, even if you can’t love me.
I embraced her tightly and I whispered to her. You are my rising sun, you are my blue moon nights,
you are my sugar and spice. You taught me, sometimes, love is trickery and a game of cheater’s cards. Your mercy given, had taught me. Love is sweet, love is kind and I do love you my Brigitte. 
The warm sun blessed two lovers, two friends. Maybe foolish, maybe outcasts or maybe blessed with the euphoria of love blessings.
                                   Dancing Coyote