Daily Archive: April 18, 2023

I want to drink whiskey with Amanda. And a beautiful Amanda Shires song.

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Bathtub poetry. Some mini-poetry.

A goodbye kiss.. 1- I have forgotten more than I can remember. I do remember a blond hair girl who told me in 1977. I am you girl and please never forget me.… Continue reading

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Hanging with Hank Williams Jr. and Johnnie is lonely. And a poem. All my friends had settle down.

All my friends had settle down… A Friday night and no-one wanted to go drinking with me. A bloody Friday night and my friends. Watching Hulu and Netflix with their fat wives. I… Continue reading

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Regards to a memory. And a beautiful Ana Vidovic song.

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Anti-violence demonstration, we need.

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Hanging with Leonard Cohen and a poem. Waiting for a miracle.

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Naked. 1- Naked we can be in the midnight hours, naked are we and maybe we wear a veil over our face, a mask? When do we show our real face? When do… Continue reading

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Time will steal everything…

Time will steal everything.. 1- Time will steal everything we known and what we loved. We will grow old and we will forget, once we danced, once we loved to sing and  once,… Continue reading

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Some thoughts for late April 2023.

Some thoughts for late April 2023. 1- We can soar freely like powerful hawk into the morning sky. We can stand on the great mountains and we can dance with the clouds. We… Continue reading

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A lady vow..

A lady vow.. 1- A lady vow, maybe true, maybe a lie? Her pretty words are just promises to be broken. Her gift of a smile, her gift of a sweet kiss. Maybe… Continue reading

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