Daily Archive: August 5, 2023

Lady green, lady blue…

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The sea, the wishes…

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My eyes adored you..

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Love didn’t break my heart. Life did.

Love didn’t break my heart. Life did… He told the beautiful Gypsy girl near the Monterey bay. Love didn’t break my heart. Life did. I am so tire young lady. I allowed vice… Continue reading

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What are the value of words?

Words A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Do words have value?  Words.. Once I was the talker, the jokester, the man who laughed at the struggle of the world. I believed I was invincible and… Continue reading

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I hope I make it till the Spring…

I hope I make it till the Spring… A Poem by Coyote Poetry  A old poem. I learn I wasn’t important after second brother committed suicide in 1999. I learn to be kind to… Continue reading

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You have saved me..

You have saved me.. I remember sitting alone. Holding two brothers photos of two dead brothers.Suicide was their escape from the cold and heartless world. Two Ojibwa/Mexican boys who saw no road except… Continue reading

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Seconds in time…

Seconds in time… A Poem by Coyote Poetry  What would we say to the people who were kind and generous to you? To be able to say goodbye to the loves one’s who died… Continue reading

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