Daily Archive: August 27, 2023

Only love will break your heart..

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Big Sur and love…

1— He loved her so. She played his heart softly and tenderly like a violin. Creating a song of majestic days, eternal nights. Her music filled with grace and joy. She was a… Continue reading

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The altar of a kind love…

The altar of a kind love A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Needed a poem for love.                                   The altar of a kind love.. Starry nights and the warm summer daysallowed two lovers to be… Continue reading

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Sacred places and sweet dreams…

Sacred places and sweet dreams A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Memories are like good red wine. Become more valuable with time and separation.      Sacred places and sweet dreams.. She traced my skin with… Continue reading

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Measure and weight..

Measure and weight A Poem by Coyote Poetry  What make us feel human and alive? I believe it is the love we embrace and the forgiveness we must understand and accept.                                     Measure and… Continue reading

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The poet…

The Poet A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Good to be the word man. Good for the heart and soul to release thoughts to paper and pen.                          The Poet.. Many moons ago in the… Continue reading

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