Daily Archive: November 7, 2023

A perfect night..

A perfect night A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Some words.  wicked-naughty-diva wicked-naughty-diva:(Thank you Tumblr)   A perfect night She was my forbidden temptation. She was my velvety sweet dreams that left me lingering as… Continue reading

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Fallen Angels…

Fallen Angels A Poem by Coyote Poetry  A new poem. I hope you like.                                       Fallen Angels… In the lair of the fallen angels. Old men talk of fleeing love, old war and missed… Continue reading

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Sunday morning lovers…

 Sunday morning lovers… Me and you lost in cotton sheets. The sun sneaked into the room and you bring your body closer. You whispered. It is Sunday morning and we have no place… Continue reading

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Silence.. A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Many kinds of silence. Some good and some bad.                          Silence.. Old wise saying was “Silence is golden”. I don’t know if the words are true? Tonight old… Continue reading

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You, the sea and the journey..

You, the sea and the journey A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Words create by amazing photos.  wasted-childhood Thank you lilyandindSource: Tumblr.              You, the sea and the journey… I love the sea and the long… Continue reading

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Tender loving care…

Tender loving care.. A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Real love is given without the desire of reward.                                       Tender loving care.. She had big blue eyes. She sat on my lap at the college… Continue reading

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In your eyes…

In your eyes… A Poem by Coyote Poetry  We can feel like kings or paupers when a woman bless you with love and kindness.             In your eyes… In your eyes.I’m everything,the sun and… Continue reading

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I want to love you like…

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I try to remember… And one of the great songs. The Shangri.

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The stranger and the poet song.

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