Daily Archive: November 8, 2023

Memory of music…

Memory of music. A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Music allowed the rebirth of memories and faces.    Memory of music… Let me not fall into dreams of sadness.Allow the awful shadows of things lost.Not… Continue reading

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Beautiful journey…

Beautiful journey. A Poem by Coyote Poetry  A wise person ensure they take the good road.                      Beautiful journey…. A thousand roads to choose.We can ride into darkness without fear of the consequences ortake… Continue reading

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Poetry, drink and your memory…

Poetry, drink and your memory A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Just words. Some short poetry.          The ray of the sun…Drunk man wishing. Alone on destine hill. He dreamed she was near. He dreamed… Continue reading

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Perhaps, perhaps my love..

Perhaps, perhaps my love A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Just some words                                       Perhaps, perhaps my love… The night is long and the drink is cheap.The music is good and the design of the… Continue reading

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Just dance…

Just dance A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Just some words  Source:treehugger52(Thank you Tumblr) 505 notes                          Just dance… Hold me close, hold me sweet.Allow my face to fall into your  hair and the essence of… Continue reading

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You are my ocean…

You are my ocean… A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Just some words  amamira amamira: Joanna Beal(Thank you Tumblr)                   You are my ocean… My first love was the sea. Uncontrolled and free. I danced… Continue reading

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I don’t need you.

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Fasting in love…

Fasting in love A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Love that is distance and far away. Is it myth or just sweet dreams.                       Fasting in love.. I made promises of Paris. I yearned for… Continue reading

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Purgatory Inn and no place to go…

 Purgatory Inn and no place to go… I have the long Island ice tea fresh and cold.Bartender keep them coming.They love the big tippers.Purgatory Inn is open early and closes late.Safe place for… Continue reading

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My Winter love…

My Winter love A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Cold days seem to bring people closer.  My winter love… I whispered your sweet name.My sweet dreams bring your beautiful face to my memory. I dreamed… Continue reading

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