Daily Archive: November 12, 2023

I saw a face…

I saw a face… I saw a face in the distance. A beautiful tempting face.The face brought back a sweet memory,was once a sweet memory. She walked toward me and she embraced me… Continue reading

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Sunday afternoon with Leonard Cohen. A dance with death..

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Fool’s wish and lovers hold on…

Dreams can become nightmares. Nightmares can become sweet dreams one day. Fool’s wish and lover’s hold on. (Written on 19 April 1985) I remember when I rushed home to fall into your arms.We… Continue reading

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Mother and daughters. Remembering a good friend.

My good friends killed in Iraq in 2004 with my daughter and his two daughters. A mother’s tears.  “Mother and child”… There is nothing as beautiful as a mother and a child. I… Continue reading

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Not enough…

Not enough A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Sometime love isn’t enough.                                 Not enough… My kind and sweet muse told me. Sweet Johnnie, I can save you.Please tell me what you need. You can’t… Continue reading

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Run with the wind and dance with the sea..

Run with the wind and dance with the sea. A Poem by Coyote Poetry  When life make us sad. Need to find reason and purpose.                      Run with the wind and dance with the… Continue reading

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Books in limbo…

Books in limbo A Poem by Coyote Poetry  I went to the library. I requested two books. Jack London “When God laugh” and Any book written by John Dryden. I was told. Neither book… Continue reading

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When love is near…

When love is near… You and I, we  love the Big Sur. We wanderlust her from sea to the hidden waterfall. I loved your sly kisses at the River Inn and the long… Continue reading

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The fragrant of love…

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