Daily Archive: November 21, 2023

Stranger, trains and planes…

Strangers, trains and planes… She called my from Paris. She whispered I will be in Monterey soon.I will meet you at the Monterey coffee shop on Tuesday.She held a silence and I thought.… Continue reading

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Some days can be perfect…

Some days can be perfect A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Life is like the sea. We can be as powerful as a Winter storm or quiet as the smooth dance of the morning tide. … Continue reading

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One more day my love…

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Agony of her…

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Black as the night…

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Dead flowers. Verbal poetry, song and some words.

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My good friends killed in Iraq in 2004 with my daughter and his two daughters. Shadows A Poem by Coyote Poetry  We can’t escape the bad or the good done in a life. Shadows….… Continue reading

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Where will this road lead us?

Where will this road lead us? A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Love can be dead in the heart. Awoken with one sweet kiss. Where will this road lead us? Love has became a raging torment in… Continue reading

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Sanctuary of love and kindness..

Grandparent, family. Sanctuary of love and kindness… Old friends have left me. Warm and safe houses are gone. Friendly and kind words are missed. Old faces with smiles and with always  an open doors went… Continue reading

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