Daily Archive: November 24, 2023

Around and around we shall go..

Around and around we shall go.. A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Life is chance and opportunity. Better to be kind and hope for a good ending.                       Around and around we go.Around and around… Continue reading

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Bitter branches and a amazing PJ Harvey song.

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Let pretend…

Let pretend A Poem by Coyote Poetry Sometime little is better than nothing.                                       Let pretend.… Continue reading

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Please, promise me forever..

Please, promise me forever A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Promises of love are endeared to our hearts.                                      Please, promise me forever… Bashful and tender beauty rest with me on soft sheets of silk.Her… Continue reading

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Always on my mind… Hanging with Willie.

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The fire, the flame and you…

The fire, the flames and you… You are my river of joy and my muse in the mist of confusion. I have hurt myself often, set fire to my dreams and watched my… Continue reading

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The rising sun.. New Orleans..

The rising sun.. I sat in the New Orleans in 1996. I liked New Orleans. Hard time and hard days couldn’t kill her spirit. I drank whiskey with old men and pretty women.… Continue reading

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Big Sur. The River Inn..

Big Sur Big Sur, God’s country. Big Sur, canvas for the painter, poetry for the eyes of the beholder. Coyote

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Big Sur…

Big Sur… No internet, no phone calls. No worries had followed, Me and my old friend had gathered again. Thank you  Pacific Ocean and Big Sur. Always a wonderful place and day when… Continue reading

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A beautiful dance of words.

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