Daily Archive: November 27, 2023

Time wait for no-one…

Time wait for no-one… He was fond of her for many years. He was fond of the way she walked and he was fond of way she talked. She charmed him her sparkling… Continue reading

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Little Wolf…

Little Wolf… Once a pretty Ojibwa gal stole my heart and my thoughts. Her coffee brown eyes and golden brown skin made me wish to swim in her kind and gentle eyes. She… Continue reading

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No tears at my farewell…

No tears at my farewell… A Poem by Coyote Poetry “Enjoy life. Take every opportunity to tell someone you love them. No tears at my farewell.. When my body becomes tiredThe blood doesn’t want to flow.Allow me to… Continue reading

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The Winter of my life…

The Winter of my life… The cold of the Michigan Winter.Bring back the sweet memories again.Wishing for better days.Feeling the sun.Hot days,peace. Paradise.A dark eyes beauty,soft tender kisses.Remember  beautiful smiles.Memories to heat the heart.Sweet chases, slow… Continue reading

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Old painter on the beach boardwalk…

Old painter on the beach boardwalk… Old man sat alone.He was painting a picture of a woman.She was from another time. We sat in silence till he finally spoke to me.He whispered. Her name was Jennifer.A homecoming… Continue reading

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In the Valley of the Devils and the Angels..

In the Valley of the Devils and the Angels… I have play the sinner.Danced in the sweat and passion ofliar’s emotions. Made so many promises.I couldn’t keep. I told bloody lies to undress beautiful… Continue reading

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