Daily Archive: March 23, 2024

Damn those eyes…

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The easy days and the good days…

The easy days and the good days…. On a cold days in the the grasp of the Bosnian Winter. I wrote your name in the snow.Jennifer, Jennifer, my Jennifer. I love you. I… Continue reading

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My muse…

My muse.. You are love and I’m  no-one. You came to me with haunting words awakening the want of love, dance and song. Your gentle voice awoke my dying spirit. Your kind  words… Continue reading

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She was a Spring day and I was a Winter storm…

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Almost April, dear lover. I want you..

I want you… Dear lover… 1- She ran into the field of wildflowers. She stirred his eyes, she stirred his mind and heart. He loved her wild eyes and the questions in her… Continue reading

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