Daily Archive: May 2, 2024

You are always on my mind..

You will always be on my mind The splendor of true love,Where you allow the wall of fear to fall completely down.Allowing emotion and desire to take two people away to finding the… Continue reading

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Deny love…

Deny love A Poem by Coyote Poetry Thank you Sarah ~ Lady Idriel for the use of a few lines.” Deny love “How could I love you the wrong way?How could this be wrong?Your… Continue reading

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Endings and beginnings…

Endings and beginnings She was my salvation in the Winter of 1978.I gave up everything I believed in.I left a sweet love to fall into her arms.I fell deeper and deeper into dangerous… Continue reading

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Deeper and deeper we shall fall..

Deeper and deeper we shall fall A Poem by Coyote Poetry Real proof of love. Holding on tighter in the bad days and celebrating the good days together”                             Deeper and deeper we shall… Continue reading

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A safe place, a kind place. Maybe?

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The moonlight and you..

The moonlight and you.. I found her again on a rainy Fall October night and I fell to my knees and I told her. When I lost you, I learn I could bleed… Continue reading

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Winding road…

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I will take care of you and a beautiful Beth Hart song.

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Love is like a flower garden…

(A Poem by Coyote PoetryWe forget sometimes to show love to the people who truly loved us.) Love is like a flower garden.. Once we danced in tropical clubs hidden in the dark… Continue reading

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Bad love…

Bad love.. I felt the darkness of the night overtaking the lights of the day, stealing away the gentleness that is left in me. The once sweet memories had turn to a cancer.… Continue reading

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