Daily Archive: May 11, 2024

The waltz…

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Pretty wishes…

Pretty wishes… 1- I knew love once, I held love once, I remember her perfect face. I ran away from her once and today. I wait for no-one. —————————— 2- Johnnie, Johnnie. she… Continue reading

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You did not leave me my friend…

You did not leave me my friend. A Poem by Coyote Poetry Some scars cannot heal. We learn to live with them.” You did not leave me my friend… Old man sat alone.Whiskey and… Continue reading

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A thousand kisses deep…

Your love is my energy to succeed and to reach for great dream. Before your gentle caress and our tangle web of our two hearts. I was depleted of envisaging tomorrow.  My hope… Continue reading

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Trees 1- BY JOYCE KILMER I think that I shall never see A poem lovely as a tree. A tree whose hungry mouth is prest Against the earth’s sweet flowing breast; A tree that… Continue reading

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The lovely silence…

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The darkest days…

The darkest days… Winter of 1992 is holding on and I’m hiding out on Highway one. I brought the vodka and pineapple juice to Big Sur. Me and my soldier friend Padget are… Continue reading

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Captive love..

Captive love… My lady of May became my Summer lover. My kind and sweet woman had seized my heart and she awoke my slumbering heart. I want to whisper to her.Lullabies of a… Continue reading

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Write on me…

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