Daily Archive: May 12, 2024

Happy Mother’s day and a poem. Memory of mother..

Memory of a Mother A Poem by Coyote Poetry I was raised by a stepmother. I called her mother. She gave love and raised many children. The word Mother should be used in honor of strong… Continue reading

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Happy Mother’s day…

Happy Mother’s day.. 1- My dear grandmother called me sweetie. My dear grandmother wouldn’t allow me to fail. My dear grandmother is in heaven and I still feel her hands upon my heart.… Continue reading

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Remember, longing and rapture…

Three short poems. A Poem by Coyote Poetry Attempt at less epic poetry.”                             Remember you, remember me. The lights are… Continue reading

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Happy Mother’s day and a poem. A mother tears…

A mother tears. A Poem by Coyote Poetry Happy Mother day. Woman bare the glory and honor of protecting their children. Look into a eyes of a woman. You can learn a million stories… Continue reading

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Drink of me my dear lover…

A Story by Coyote Poetry More Texas story.”                                Drink of me my dear lover… I loved the Austin Texas nights. Alive and vibrant with people and good sound. I roamed to her every… Continue reading

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Needing and bleeding…

Love teaches us many things. Mainly hold on tight and be kind.”                                      Needing and bleeding… I have lived and died in your arms. You were my salvation and my death.Sweet kisses once… Continue reading

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Sweet red wine…

Sweet red wine… ( May-days poetry.) It was early fall and the sweet new wines of Germany came out. They are cheap and tasty and It was a beautiful late summer day. The… Continue reading

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Fabiola… (Now nothing remains the same)  Your name came to me late in the midnight hour, brought back the canvas of your perfect body, your kind smile and your beautiful face. Your name,… Continue reading

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I want to fall in love again…

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