Daily Archive: May 13, 2024

Regards to a old memory…

Regards to an old memory.. I know love is never fair, rarely an sweet memory. True love need perfect timing, proper place and the same need. Rarely do two people meet with the… Continue reading

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Damn the ancient gods…

Damn the ancient Gods.. Pretty lady laid bare in heart and soul watching the sun fall into the sea.She looked at me and told me. “Damn the gods who hate love, they tried… Continue reading

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Wild roses…

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I will take care of you. For a memory…

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Pray for the live ones..

Don’t pray for dead men. Pray for the live ones. A Poem by Coyote Poetry Remembering a good friend. Lost too soon.” Forget your personal tragedy. We are all bitched from the start and… Continue reading

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Turn! turn! turn!…

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No mercy dear Lizzie…

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Barefoot dreams…

Barefoot dreams A Story by Coyote Poetry Good places and friends make distance places good dreams in old age.”      Barefoot dreams… I met the Sergeant Major nightly at the Bowling alley, dance club… Continue reading

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