Daily Archive: May 14, 2024

Rose colored glasses…

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Dirty little secrets..

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Scottish kisses…

Scottish kisses… It was 1978 and the long days of Summer were here. Early June, warm days, weekend activities and weekend adventures to discover new places. I found safety in the German taverns.… Continue reading

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Somewhere in time….

Nydia Lozano artwork… Somewhere in time…  The paradox of living,we get what we deserve.Once, the prettiest lady I have ever known,waited for a wayward man.I remember the fragrance of her skin,the tenderness of… Continue reading

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Wildflower dreams….

Wildflower dreams. A Poem by Coyote Poetry Some memories are held forever.”                        Wildflower dreams… I sit among the wildflowers.Growing where they desire and free.The sweet sense of the wildflowers takes me back to… Continue reading

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Whim and follies…

Whim and follies… I told her. Sometimes good to go slow.Men will eat and eat, not stopping to taste or digest the food.He will forget to cherish the taste,the gentle touch and the… Continue reading

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Wisp of the night…

Wisp of the night A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Used a paragraph by a Poet name Arsh. I hope you like.  Wisp of the night… What have we become. We have become stranger in… Continue reading

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Coffee, you and the sun..

Coffee, you and the sun… The kind sun rest upon your tender skin. The warm coffee and deep thoughts leave me wishing. To know what you hide beneath those perfect eyes. Coffee, you… Continue reading

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