Daily Archive: May 18, 2024

Mystery and wonder…

Mystery and wonder… It was a Germany warm Summer, the days were long and easy. You and I had no-place to be. You were my German girl with eyes of hazel who loved… Continue reading

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Never enough whiskey, she told me.

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Right place or wrong place…

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Hemingway last dance…

Hemingway last dance I returned Monterey in late May of 2018.  I fell in love with her in 1992. Old Army send me to Fort Ord, California after the Gulf war. The Pacific… Continue reading

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A Spanish lullaby..

A Spanish lullaby A Poem by Coyote Poetry  Dream writing again.  A Spanish Lullaby.. Once, you and I, became we. We distanced love and love found us. We were young, we were fearless and… Continue reading

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Be the willow tree…

Be the willow tree. Accept the winds of life and dance freely with her. A Story by Coyote Poetry  I learn the past is gone and today actions matter, by a New Orleans Tarot… Continue reading

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In the mist of time…

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