Daily Archive: May 30, 2024

Lay Lady Lay and a beautiful Melanie song.

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I dreamed of you…

I dreamed of you A Poem by Coyote Poetry Words create by perfect art.” (Thank you Tumblr-Milo Moire- A goddess) I dream of you I remember Paris. You were in your perfect place and… Continue reading

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We danced, we loved and you never departed my heart..

We danced , we loved and you never departed my heart… I’m 65-year-old. I don’t believe I’m wiser than when life was to be lived and challenged. Time is moving so quickly. Old… Continue reading

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Drinking again… Lady midnight..

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Dead man arms…

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Could you, could we?

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Who am I now?

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The poet’s eyes, the lover’s song..

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Catch me If I fall..

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We get what we deserve..

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