Daily Archive: May 31, 2024

Barefoot dreams…

Barefoot dreams… I met the Sergeant Major nightly at the Bowling alley, dance club and bar at Seaside. He was forced retired and slowly dying. You would never know it. He maintained his… Continue reading

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Fabiola, my Fabiola..

Now nothing remains the same Your name came to me late in the midnight hour. Brought back the canvas of your perfect body, kind smile and your beautiful face. Your name, Fabiola. Made… Continue reading

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A moment of forever…

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My Joan of Arc…

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Jazzy Friday poetry. Ask for more..

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The simple rules of kindness..

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Don’t say nothing..

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I saw a face…

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Sacred places and sweet dreams..

Sacred places and sweet dreams A Poem by Coyote Poetry Memories are like good red wine. Become more valuable with time and separation.”     Sacred places and sweet dreams.. She traced my skin with… Continue reading

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