The folly of men…

The Folly of men..

Dead men don’t weep no more,

stagnant life lead to deluded ending.

Pretty things can hide the hidden truth,

nothing gain-nothing lost.

We can ascend and we can fall,

the echoes of today and the echoes of yesterday are what we become,

we can be consumed or be condemned.

The old man logic is. Men will rise and men will fall, we will cry and we shall know laughter. Each of us will walk upon the floor of rice paper, believing we are invincible.

The folly of men is, death will call one day.

We will be the witness to life. Remembering old faces, old words and the good days. Life is lessons. Some lessons written deep and hard into our mind and heart.

I am sixty five years old and I have learned.

Pay attention to your family and your friends. Lead with concern, kindness and love. The world is hard enough on them already. Kind words and safe place to rest, may save a life.

Insure you make time for the pleasures of life. The children will grow like weeds and we don’t slow down. We will miss the special days and moments. Make time for family meals, family field trips and show your children, how to love the lakes and the sea. Show them the great forest and how to be kind. Be kind to nature and to each other.

Life is our decisions. Know joy, laughter and song or learn too late. Life is too fast and if we blink. We will miss the best part.

John Castellenas/Coyote