

The Poet’s wishes, ever sweet and never easy.  A dancing beauty moved with the song, her hips moving slowly with the tempting words of the Jazz song. The dancing damsel, she knows she was the Hemingway’s prayer and wish to the waiting poet.

He watched her. Her black dress cut down to her knees allowing his eyes to see perfect legs wrapped in the lace and silk. She danced shoe less and alone. Swaying with the song and her eyes closed.

The Poet craved to join her in the dance but he understood. Women, are uncertain in their need and wants. Better to allow the free butterfly to come to you if she desire.

The song is done and she looked at the waiting poet. Her river blue eyes are dangerous and wonderful. She walked to him and she asked. Johnnie, are you drunk because of the whiskey or me?

Wise Poet told her. I’m drunk in love. You stole my will, you took my mind and my heart. You are my wild sea and my timeless love. She smiled and she embraced me. She whispered.

Time for us to wander. Some wine, some wandering and you and I.
By the sea.
