Drinking song…

Drinking song…

Once I met Bukowski in Southern California and he told me. Never truth a man, who never drinks.  I learn with old age. He was right. Drunk men or women will tell you the truth. Even if you don’t want to know the truth.
Now old age had stole my energy and I keep doing forward. Tonight I write drunk man poetry and it feel so damn good. I am smiling tonight and I don’t know why? 
I have found God and I have danced with the Devil. The  Devil was more fun. The Devil told me to have fun, be wild and travel. God told me to me kind. I am kind and I am dancing with the Devil.
Bukowski told the truth. No-one wants to hear the truth. Ukraine is being destroyed. Why does no-one care? I am a old soldier and I would stand with Ukraine. I would be honored to be side by side with the Ukraine soldiers. Die for freedom, to die to protect the people of Ukraine. Where is Europe?
I am drinking tonight. I know I had a good life. I have two grandchildren sleeping in my house and and a kind wife. I am praying for Ukraine. Please pray for Ukraine. I saw the suffering of war. I buried thousands in Africa who died from sickness and hunger. I cried for stranger.
Today we must force our leader. We must defeat and stop the Devils making profit off war. The Devil are the Russians, the Devil are the men of war. Today so many are paying the price for greed.  The drinking song, I sing. I pray our leaders are listening.