Daily Archive: June 17, 2024

Powerful and worthwhile poetry. War takes the best from us.

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Never talk to strangers…

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Would you lay with me? And a beautiful Whoa Dakota song.

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Jazzy Monday poetry..

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My Summer day wish, my Fall moon blessing…

My Summer day wish, my Fall moon blessing.. ————————————————————————————————————————- In your eyes, I saw the sea, I saw a miracle in those eyes of golden brown, you took my hands and I knew.… Continue reading

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Poesy… (For Dryden) True Poets dodge the falseness of fame,they allow praise to fall from their thoughts.Old Poets understand the beauty of the sun rising from the east,allowing opportunity for new dreams and… Continue reading

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Love is a cruel mistress…

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I would steal the moon for you…

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Barefoot girls..

The barefoot girls..  Do we create our place in our world?  I have always loved the barefoot girls, shoeless girls can feel the sand or the grassy open fields with their tender feet.… Continue reading

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Idyllic places and time..

Idyllic places and time.. The storyteller told the writers. We shall learn that life is Summer and Winter. Spring and Fall. We will know sweetness and we shall know sadness. We will be… Continue reading

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