Daily Archive: June 19, 2024

Sweet pleasure and rare delight…

Sweet pleasure and rare delights.. Sweet pleasure, rare delights. Some dreams should not be touched.They burn the heart till death allows you to escape. Beautiful woman dance in my memory.Sweet gifts from tender… Continue reading

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The Stray Cat Inn…

The night  was dark and the night was long. The Poet was seeking final place to rest tonight. A  sign directed him north.  He found the last road on the dead-end road. A… Continue reading

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I have no regrets…

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The sin, the gin and the skin…

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The dance… And a beautiful Kelly Clarkson song.

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With open eyes…

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Waiting for a miracle…

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Love is love…

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Monterey and Big Sur..

Monterey and Big Sur.. I need a year in Monterey and Big Sur to write my novel. The Beauty of Monterey and Big Sur will steal your heart. I need a coffee and… Continue reading

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Another time, another place…

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