Daily Archive: June 21, 2024

Blue eyes…

Blue eyes.. A blue eyed angel is crying for me.In the turmoil of a kind love.The paradise of burning and powerful emotion.It can create a strange prison. I hold her too tightly.Then I don’t hold… Continue reading

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The black night and the shadow dance…

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The cold night whispered…

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First day of Summer..

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Perhaps, perhaps my love…

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I want to know you…

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Arousing illusion..

Arousing illusion… Old man told the kid sitting with him at the bar.The senses. Taste, smell, sight, touch and hearing.Make us live and die in them.Make us want things we cannot have and… Continue reading

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With you…

With you… I saw the four corners of the world seeking perfect place.I wanted to observe the rare views of a lucky life,I stood in the clouds upon the giant mountains,I free-climbed to… Continue reading

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Our children…

(My daughter at Big Sur in 2018.) Our children..A Poem by Coyote PoetryJust words… Our children… “Your children are not your children. They are sons and daughters of life’s longing for itself” Kahlil… Continue reading

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Hemingway last dance..

Hemingway last dance..A Poem by Coyote PoetryJust words… Hemingway last dance.. I returned Monterey in late May of 2016. I fell in love with her in 1992. Old Army send me to Fort… Continue reading

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