Somethings shouldn’t beheld or touched..

Somethings shouldn’t beheld or touched…

You have taunted my dreams and made me wish for  sordid and frenzy nights, captured in your embrace.

I want to fall into the inferno of your warm  kisses and us to know the splendor of unswerving need.

This deadly wish  flourished in my daily life and nightly dreams. I know you are the fire and I’m the wood. Your touch would shattered my need for deluded love and make me want unnatural feast.

Sometime we want what we shouldn’t have. The want should never be brought to the light of day or the shadows of the long night. For some wishes can turn to nightmares.

Nakedly wild dances and secrets hidden by the moon and the stars, uncovered by the burning of the lights of the scented candles are en-shined into heart and mind forever. Some love cannot be. For the heat of the emotion leaving lovers wishing for another cherish dance into the tender flesh where two bodies becoming  one,  that cannot be.

I beheld you and I closed my eyes. You are dancing for me and making me feel fearless and unafraid. I told you. The Devil dances at midnight. Few angels rise-up into the night. Just beautiful sirens stealing my souls and heart.

You smiled at me with eyes of golden brown and you whispered. “Things not held and touched are the true nightmares. We wish for things not done and we love the gathering of places where we were free and surfing into unknown place. We need to wander like a painter on the pavement of hidden skin and taste the sweet juice of life gifts.”

I wrapped my arms around you and I told you. “Master or slave, we can be.  We are many things. Today I know. Somethings shouldn’t be beheld or touched, but I’m willing to fall into your darkness, to allow us to flourish to the pinnacle of the stirring of wonders of your beautiful face, soft skin and willing body. I have loved you since the first moment I saw you. I will test death and life for you my love.”

Beautiful lady smiled and she whispered. I love you too dear Poet.

John Castellenas/Coyote