Choose the road you love…

Choose the road you love

A Poem by Coyote Poetry

Life is simple. Find something you enjoy. Then do it.

                  (Nirvana-The supreme happiness that according
to Buddhism comes when all passion, hatred and
delusion die out and the soul is released from the
necessity of further purification.)

A prayer for Nature…

Thank you lord of life and death.

Thank you for the fresh water to drink.

Thank your for the clean air to breath.

Thank you for the green Earth that supplies shelter and food.

Allow me to protect and give respect to Nature.

Give me wisdom and common sense to do what is right.


Choose the road you love…

I sit at the crossroad of a life.
I looked back and thank the Lord of life and death
for my life.

I tell the young people around me.

“The Nirvana of a blessed man is to loved a woman.
Held many children.
Celebrated life and having many friends.”

“A wise man don’t blaspheme the people who held
joy and love over all things.
They will be the missed souls.”

I light a candle.
Remembering missed family and friends.
I thank them in prayer for their gifts of love
and friendship.

Regrets will be many in a life.
Forsaken dreams and lost battles.

Only remedy is to get up.
Gather your hopes and dreams.
Choose the road you love.

Kindred spirits dance in my sweet dreams.
Sweet fragments of faces of kind woman.
Exquisite ladies who gave me gifts of long
embraces and sweet kisses.

Dances by the midnight moon.
Create a paradise for a man to revive when
he is old and had too much time.

The memories of long legs, blue eyes and
flowing red hair over my body.
Still can bring a smile today.

Blunders in a  life and love can leave you disappointed.

Only cure is to celebrate each new day.

Love, Dance and Laugh.

Choose the road you love.

October 2017