I want to dance with you tonight…

(Easy life and quiet death-Sir Walter Scott)

(We poets in our youth begin with gladness; but there off in the end despondency and madness- Wordsworth)

I want to dance with you tonight…

Sober days and nights led us to places of loneliness. Two people sharing one house with locked doors, not enough words spoken and love forgotten.

Once we were young and fearless. I couldn’t live without your kiss and your embrace. Once your voice and touch made me believe love was alive and forever. We held love like a delicious pain.

Today I watched you. Us sitting together without conversation. Cell phones and tire mind accepting life as-is. I told you. Honey, dear and my pretty lady. We need to depart this grave of our home and find some song. I want you in your red dress and red shoes. I need your evil smile and wild needs. We need some good song and dance my sweet love.

She smiled and asked. I watched you work and work. You seem to have surrender to work and forgot me. I want us to find the places where we were lovers, wild and untamed. I want our roguish days when you ran to me. You are right Johnnie. We need to find some song, some Long Island ice tea and a motel by the sea. Dead love is shallow love. People who forget to feast on love. Are alone.

She appeared in red dress and her favorite read shoes. I told her. You are so beautiful my dear love. Tonight we will dance. I want to dance with you. We will find a motel by the sea and learn to taste the elixir of love again.

She gave me a smile of doubt and she whispered. Promise made are to be broken. Love had few last chances. Maybe this is our last dance. Please make me feel loved and adored. Please don’t forget I’m here for you.

I went to her. Wrapped my arms around her waist and I whispered. You are my only mercy I have known and I will do anything for you. Anything to keep you in my life my love.

John Castellenas/Coyote