

1- She was so fine, she was so sweet.
Prettiest Texas gal in Belton asked me for a dance.
I told her, yes ma.
She took my hands and we went to the dance floor.
Her body near and Willie Nelson singing sweet.
We Texas-steps and she told me.
I like asking the soldiers to dance.
The soldiers, always polite and kind.
I looked in her brown eyes and I told her.
Thank you for the mercy of your kindness.
2- Once I met Bukowski when I was roaming Highway one.
I was drinking in every tavern from San Francisco to San Diego.
He was cool to me and he told me.
I like you Johnnie.
Your hands are hard from working.
Never trust anyone with soft hands.
They had lived a sissy life and drink the girly cocktails.
Men and women, who drink the beer and the whiskey.
They have no reasons to lie.
3- I have always loved the Gothic girls.
They told me the truth and they love my honesty.
I love the darkness in their voices and 
no fear of being different.
In their dresses of black and serious eyes.
I could see everything I needed.
They called me the dark poet and
they loved my poetry and they accepted me.
Because I wanted nothing.
The Gothic girls taught me the song of the sea and
the whiskey kisses, we cannot forget.
They gave me the mercy of the kindness of friendship.